Who We Are

At Pacific Hope Church (PHC), we believe “hope” is a byproduct of the grace we have received from God.  It is the only reason we are here. We join together as a body of believers to exalt His Son, Jesus Christ; the One whose death and resurrection gives us peace with God and the hope of heaven.


PHC holds unapologetically to a Reformed view of salvation, which is clearly expressed by the Doctrines of Grace. We also hold to the five “Solas” (Latin for “alone”) of the Reformation: “by Scripture alone, by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, for the glory of God alone.”


We believe the biblical mandate is to preach the whole counsel of God. Preaching at PHC does not condescend to God's people but rather teaches the body to be “expository listeners.” Continual, consistent biblical exposition develops those who are younger in the faith and affirms our belief that the Lord's Day service is not about any individual, but is for the glory and exaltation of God. We do not believe in pandering to the cultural ideals of entertainment by way of a quick sermonette on Sunday mornings, nor do we focus on filling empty seats. Instead, our concern is to fill the people in the seats, building them up and bringing them up in the faith so they mature and become effective evangelists and disciple-makers. 


Community is also important to us in that it provides both genuine fellowship within our church family as well as an open door for those around us. As members of one body, we have sought the consolation that is in Christ and therefore desire to be likeminded, “having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind” (Philippians 2:2). As a light in our community, we are a place of hope for the hopeless.


Above all else, we are that which has been mandated by God Himself: His Church, as revealed in His Word. It is His design for the assembling of His people called by His name. Our purpose and plan have been defined by God as we join together to exalt His name, explain His Word, and exemplify His likeness.


Pacific Hope is one of the many biblically sound churches in San Diego and we join together to exalt the name of Jesus Christ.  

Read more about what we teach: click here