Children's Ministry

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it” ~ Proverbs 22:6

Our Children’s Ministry is dedicated to equipping each child with the Gospel of Truth so that they might be able to “give a reason for the hope that is in [them]”.  Pacific Hope Church (PHC) is a growing church, blessed with many young families. Our goal is to provide care from Gospel-driven volunteers who teach the Word of God and assist parents in the discipleship of their children.

Sunday School at 9:00 am offers classes for children three years and older. During our 10:00 am Worship Service, we encourage parents to worship our Lord together with their children. We believe that Family Integrated Worship is the best way to train up our children in the Lord. We understand, however, that this may be new to some of our younger families and for this reason, we offer several options:

  • Childcare during 10:00 am Worship service for infants and toddlers through age 2,
  • Our Worship Service is live-streamed into the Fellowship Hall, which serves as a “training room” for families teaching their children to sit through church,
  • A Nursing Room is adjacent to the sanctuary for mothers with infants.

For the safety of your child and our church, each volunteer has submitted to an evaluation and has had a LiveScan  background check and formal training in accordance with requirements under the State of California's AB-506. We hope you are blessed with the assurance of peace as you feast on the Word of God and fellowship with the Body of Christ.


It is our hope and prayer that each parent and child will learn, be encouraged and grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for the Glory of God our Father. Amen.

Children’s and Youth Sunday School Classes

9:00 AM – 9:45 AM

Pre-K and Kindergarten (Ages 3-5 years)

Elementary: 1st through 5th Grade (Ages 6-10 years)

Middle School: 6th through 8th Grade (Ages 11-13 years)

Worship Service Childcare

 10:00 AM

Infants (Ages 2 months – 1 year)

Toddler (Ages 1–2 years)