The Thursday Night Men's Discipleship meets every Thursday night from 7pm-8:30pm starting on January 23rd. Join us as we go through "Don't Waste Your Breath: Ecclesiastes and the Joy of a Fleeting Life" by Brian Borgman.
Download weekly discussion questions below:
Our weekly Men’s Discipleship group is part of the
discipleship ministry of Pacific Hope Church. We exist to encourage and equip
men to present themselves to God as “. . . one approved, a worker who has no
need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15). The
studies selected by the Elders are designed to build up men of spiritual
maturity and leadership within the church and at home.
"As defined in the Bible, manhood is a functional reality, demonstrated in a man's fulfillment of responsibility and leadership. The Bible is clear about a man's responsibility to exercise spiritual maturity and spiritual leadership. Of course, this spiritual maturity takes time to develop, and it is a gift of the Holy Spirit working within the life of the believer. The disciplines of the Christian life, including prayer and serious Bible study, are among the means God uses to mold a boy into a man and to bring about spiritual maturity . . . .
"A close look at many churches will reveal that a central problem is the lack of biblical maturity among the men of the congregation and a lack of biblical knowledge that leaves men ill-equipped and completely unprepared to exercise spiritual leadership. Men must know their way around the biblical text and feel at home in the study of God's Word. They must stand ready to take their place as leaders in the local church.
"While God has appointed specific officers for his church—men who are specially gifted and publicly called—every man should fulfill some leadership responsibility within the life of the congregation. For some men, this may mean a less public role of leadership than is the case with others. In any event, a man should be able to teach someone, and to lead in some ministry, translating his personal discipleship into the fulfillment of a godly call."
~ Al Mohler