Get Connected!
You can view and register for all our classes, studies, and events on the Church Center app or from your computer by visiting and clicking on Signups.
Sunday Morning Corporate Prayer | Join us Sundays at 9:00 am as we approach the Throne of Grace in a ministry of prayer for our leadership and the life of our church body.
Christmas Eve Service | O Come Let Us Adore Him! Join us for an evening of corporate reading, prayer, and signing as we gather to celebrate the advent of our Lord, Jesus Christ on Tuesday, December 24th at 6pm.
Pacific Hope on Church Center | Click HERE to download the free Church Center app or find it wherever you go to download apps on your phone. Get connected to what’s going on at Pacific Hope with links to the weekly bulletin, sermons, signups, groups and more. Check it out! Important Note: You do not need to be a member of Pacific Hope Church to sign up and use this platform.